Friday, September 22, 2006

real conbinis

after a trip to Coco! the other day, a thought crossed my mind. Coco! being the only real convenience store on the island (conbini = convenience store; like 7-Eleven, Lawsons, etc), it's come to my attention that there are other places on the island, particularly 2 doors down from Coco!, that think they can pretend to be a conbini, but they never will be. soooo, i've come up with 4 things that really make a conbini a real conbini, and which define themselves from all the poser-conbinis littered across urban and rural Japan alike. my 4 qualifications are:

1) They must carry a basic selection of magazines and recent comics. Many of the posers forget this.

2) It must be open until AT LEAST midnight. The later the better! Posers wimp out and close early. Granted, i know there are some Lawson's Stations out there that close at midnight, but because there is probably another one nearby that's 24 hours, i'll forgive those few dumb Lawsons.

3) They must have a selection of freshly made conbini food, like oden, yakitori, croquettes, hotdogs, pizza, etc. Posers lack the manpower and customers to keep that sort of operation going.

4) It must be SUPER well lit. Posers can't afford to be that bright!

What makes a conbini a real conbini to you? I'm curious to hear what you all think. There were other things that i thought were key, like always having Coolish and Choco Chip Snack (those chocolate chip sticks that are super addicting and usually come with 8 sticks or so), but i decided that those expectations were too easy to fulfill. Leave a comment! I'll read 'em =)

Off to an enkai now... my and David's welcome drinking party at our shared junior high (Izuhara Junior High... the big one). Ja ne!


1 comment:

shinticre said...

you have to be able to pay your bills there, as well as purchase airplane tickets, movie tickets, concert tickets, etc. being able to ship boxes from there is also a plus.

and mango pudding.