Saturday, September 09, 2006

pictures from my last few weeks

The statue at the Nagasaki Peace Park

Me, Rob, and Alicia (fellow islanders) at Nagasaki Harbor

The tiny airplane I ride between Tsushima and Nagasaki that seats about 40 people, and i swear, i've sat on buses bigger than it before (so the company is called ORC: Oriental Air Bridge. Where "ORC" came from, i haven't the slighest clue)

One of the many views of Nagasaki Prefecture's many islands from the plane ride

My supervisor, Mr. Matsushima, at my Second Party (my Welcome Party with the BOE was the day after i returned from Nagasaki Orientation)

A random statue in front of Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto Castle and me

Oh Engrish, how i've missed you

At the top of Kirijima-dake, one of the peaks surrounding Aso Mountain (the active volcano)

Check out the name of the smoking area!


More Hell (in Unzen)

Sunset in Unzen (my friend swears this one was pansy, and that sunset is usually better)

A shop in Fukuoka. I have no idea what it was actually advertising.

A usual sight: a gecko on my kitchen window. His name is Bo. Bo lives on my kitchen window, Gary lives on my bathroom window and front door, and Donnie lives on my living room window. I like geckos =)

An unusual sight: a gecko in my bedroom. I had to get a chair and use my broom to get him off the wall. Once he jumped onto the floor and started running away, i tossed a towel on top of him so he couldn't run away. I then used the towel to scoot him onto my dustpan, and from there, released him outside. This gecko doesn't get a name because i hope i won't see him again in my bedroom.

Yet another uncommon but horrifying sight. I went downstairs one morning to brush my teeth, when i noticed out of the corner of my eye, "Gee, that's a long piece of hair i left in the sink." When i looked down, to my horror, there was a centipede. Of all the insects and animals to beware of in Tsushima, centipedes are one of the worst as a bite will send you to the hospital, cause you to swell up tremendously, and send shooting pains and crazy itchiness throughout the infected area for over a week. Centipedes are no joke, and of all places i find it, it's in my kitchen. blargh. my kitchen is constantly warzone. I've now fended off cockroaches, ants, roly polys (that's what i called them when i was little... no idea what they're really called. they're black and curl up into a ball when you poke them), and apparently centipedes from my kitchen. Bugs, you can roam all you want outside, but just don't come into my home! grr!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I call them roly polys too; it's pretty common but it varies by region. I think they're actually called pill bugs though (at least they were in a bug's life. I think...)