Sunday, October 01, 2006

sweetest japanese poem ever

unfortunately, this post will only make sense to the people who know japanese.

recently, i saw a postcard with the following poem. now, i dont know much about poetry, and the japanese poetry i've attempted to read i've understood even less, but this poem is concise, cute, and meaningful. i love it!


sweet, no??!!

yes, i am a hopeless romantic.


MasterCKO said...

yeah, it's cute, I'll admit, but sweetest japanese poem ever? I don't know...8^P

Benjamin Whaley said...

I think the better poem is サラダの記念日 by...I forget the person's name.

Lindsay said...

lol, Ben-kun. you're hilarious. And yes, I think the poem is cute too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know about sweetest ever, but it's nice :)

Evelyn said...

you guys have to remind me, how does sarada kinenbi go? blargh, i know nakamura-sensei beat that thing into us, but i can't remember. oshiete!

shinticre said...

augh, that poem is incredibly sappy =p

sarada kinenbi:


Benjamin Whaley said...

Maybe Nakamura-Sensei wrote that poem under a psudonym. Actually, while we were in Japan, a Japanese girl asked Kevin what Japanese authors he liked and he replied ______ who wrote "Sarada Kinenbi." I was totally thinking, "Poser! POSER! No one actually likes that poem!"