Tuesday, October 16, 2007


three weeks, countless blood-drawing stabs, numerous trips to the 100yen shop, and thousands of hand-sewed stitches later, i'm FINALLY, finally done making my Chun-Li costume. *phew*. despite having no access to a sewing machine, that didn't stop me from making what is probably one of the most difficult outfits to be born from Street Fighter 2. and, despite everyone dropping out of doing the Street Fighter idea (about half of us were gung-ho about it in the beginning, but now i'm the ONLY one doing Street Fighter), i decided that after all the blood i've sacrificed making this outfit, i had no choice but push on till the very end.

last night, i finally decided that i was finished, and i have to say, what makes chun-li more than anything else, is the hair. if you have the hair accessories and the stray pieces of white cloth hanging down, in addition to being asian (especially... well, Chinese), you're halfway to looking like her.

thursday marks the beginning of my halloween marathon. i'll have THREE SOLID DAYS of halloween parties... 2 elementary schools on thursday, 1 up in the middle of tsushima on friday (where near all the ALTs are invited to host a day long party for the school), and 1 on saturday for my town, where theoretically all ALTs will be gathered in one place for the first time this year.

only twice before have i attempted to make a shirt for myself, and both times failing miserable. considering i just made a dress completely by hand, and what at least i feel looks halfway convincing, i'm very much in my happy place right now. once my parties are over, look out for pictures which will hopefully be posted this weekend.

now that this costume ordeal is done, i guess it's time to strap down for the JLPT.... *gulp*....

1 comment:

Darwin said...

hey ev. i guess you survived brian's visit, haha. nice posts on the japanese education system and teaching english. yeah and it is interesting about them not having opinions or being able to argue. but i did the VIA program ALC last year and it was pretty cool to see japanese and taiwanese students learning english and having to do final papers and presentations on topics like smoking in public, inter-racial relationships and even religion, so i think that there is hope yet. hope you're doing well!