Tuesday, July 03, 2007

how to annoy a japanese child

this month, i plan on teaching my elementary school students directions, and at the end of class, i'm having them play "pin the tail on the horse" (much because they know how to say "horse" and not "donkey"). anyway, before they come to class, i draw 2 horses on the board (one for each class in the grade), without tails, and for the game, i blindfold a kid, and have their classmates give him/her directions as to where and when to pin the tail.

however, little did i know that with japanese children's upbringings, they can't stand imperfection. between only 3 classes, i must have had at least 30 or 40 kids come up to me or yell at me from across the room that my horses were missing tails. my response: "you'll find out later" or "they're NOT missing tails", and proceed to hold up the beautiful tail i drew, laminated, and added magnets to.

so bottom line, if you want to annoy a japanese child, draw a picture of an animal that needs a tail, DON'T draw the tail, and force them to stare at it for 30 minutes before you start the game. muahahahah! ;D

(believe it or not, i dont torture japanese children on a regular basis...)

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Wow, even the kids are really uptight. I don't know why this surprises me.