Saturday, November 25, 2006

ridiculously good day

He’s finally out of my life. After 3 months of seeing him multiple times every single day, he’s finally gone. Thank god.

Who’s this mystery person I speak of? None other than Jimny. My Suzuki Jimny I should say. The big hunk of metal i bought off of my predecessor. Through some miracle, a mutual friend managed to find someone who would buy my car, and tonight, my friend and the buyer came over. There were issues starting it up (the battery was shot), but after replacing it with a new one, the engine FINALLY started. The man got in the car, drove it off the driveway in front of my home, and now it is finally out of my life. What a wonderful day =)

Even though i sold it for much less than i bought it for, at this point, seeing that car angers me so much that i would pay someone to get it out of my sight. The money i’m getting feels more like a bonus than anything else at the moment.

Also due to some freak happening of nature, the weather was beautiful today. For the first time in what feels like a month, i woke up from the SUN filling my room. It’s been freezing and super windy for the last few weeks, and seeing sun on a weekend nonetheless is quite miraculous.

Bored with nothing to do, David and i went furniture window-shopping. I think i may have found a cabinet for all the plates my predecessor bought (and i suspect never used). It was awesome though. David, being a 6’2” hairy white guy, and me being a 5’4” undercover gaijin, the lady who runs the store totally thought we were married (lol) and that i was japanese with exceptionally good English. David also being a goofball, would not stop with all the married-couple-looking-for-furniture-for-their-new-home jokes. Needless to say, i was dying of laughter the whole time. Just about the best joke he came up with was this:

Me: (pointing at a wooden baby high chair) What baby needs an excessive wooden chair like this?
David: Our baby does.

Indeed, it’s been a good day. And now i’m off to make some yakisoba. Mmmm mm!


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